Origin: Europe
Humidity: Average. Mist once or twice weekly
Light: Place English ivy in bright light, as lower light may result in pale leaves and slow growth, but avoid intense, direct light.
Water: Water English ivy whenever the top 1/2 inch of potting mix feels dry to the touch. Water deeply until water trickle through the drainage hole, and allow the pot to drain thoroughly before replacing it on a drainage saucer. Never allowed the pot to stand and water.
Humidity: Average. Mist once or twice weekly
Light: Place English ivy in bright light, as lower light may result in pale leaves and slow growth, but avoid intense, direct light.
Water: Water English ivy whenever the top 1/2 inch of potting mix feels dry to the touch. Water deeply until water trickle through the drainage hole, and allow the pot to drain thoroughly before replacing it on a drainage saucer. Never allowed the pot to stand and water.
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Acquired 10/30/18 at Home Depot
Acquired 10/30/18 at Home Depot