Origin: Southeast Asia and northern Australia
Humidity: 40%+
Light: Bright indirect.
Water: Water thoroughly, then allow to dry out slightly between waterings. This plant will not tolerate soggy soil. Keep soil slightly dryer in winter, when light levels are lower.
Soil: Fast draining soil.
Fertilizer: Rapid growers and require plenty of nutrients to grow well. During growing season, they should be fed with a liquid fertilizer every two weeks, and this should be reduced to every six weeks in the dormant month of October through February. Monthly during growth season and once every two months in the fall & winter.
Tips: Green leaves will fall due to movement alone! Likes to be a little root-bound in smaller containers. Repot in a container no larger than 1-2 inches of the root base.
The health of your tree can signify whether it needs fertilizing. Leaves that yellow along the margins or even fall off can indicate a lack of nitrogen. If your tree is getting plenty of bright but indirect sunlight and exposure to warm, humid conditions, but is still having foliage problems, you might need to increase the amount or frequency of its feedings.
Origin: Southeast Asia and northern Australia
Humidity: 40%+
Light: Bright indirect.
Water: Water thoroughly, then allow to dry out slightly between waterings. This plant will not tolerate soggy soil. Keep soil slightly dryer in winter, when light levels are lower.
Soil: Fast draining soil.
Fertilizer: Rapid growers and require plenty of nutrients to grow well. During growing season, they should be fed with a liquid fertilizer every two weeks, and this should be reduced to every six weeks in the dormant month of October through February. Monthly during growth season and once every two months in the fall & winter.
Tips: Green leaves will fall due to movement alone! Likes to be a little root-bound in smaller containers. Repot in a container no larger than 1-2 inches of the root base.
The health of your tree can signify whether it needs fertilizing. Leaves that yellow along the margins or even fall off can indicate a lack of nitrogen. If your tree is getting plenty of bright but indirect sunlight and exposure to warm, humid conditions, but is still having foliage problems, you might need to increase the amount or frequency of its feedings.
花相册 (2)


Special Features: 💨
1st photo is what happened to my first ficus benjamina. It got root rot over rhe summer while i was on vacation. i forgot and left it in a container without a drainage hole and it rained a lot while i was away. 😔
Acquired: August 2018
Pruned all three: September 2018
Repotted one in a larger container: September 2018. Used moisture control soil instead of bark. Other two left in original container
1st photo is what happened to my first ficus benjamina. It got root rot over rhe summer while i was on vacation. i forgot and left it in a container without a drainage hole and it rained a lot while i was away. 😔
Acquired: August 2018
Pruned all three: September 2018
Repotted one in a larger container: September 2018. Used moisture control soil instead of bark. Other two left in original container