中文名(CN) 大脚野人
外文名(FLN) Sasquatch
编号(SN) Schick 1702-13
培育者(Breeder) B.Schick
系列(Series) 席克氏
花径(Diam) 15 cm
花色(Color) 红
Flower to 5-½ inches (14 cm) across. Inner petals lanceolate, ruffled, bicolored dusky purple and dark orange, with apical rhomboidal beigish area and yellowish midrib. Outer petals and sepals largely beige. Filaments dark red-orange; anthers handsomely puffy. Stigma exerted, white. Stem barrel-like, to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter; spines to 1-1/8 inches (29 mm) long. ISI 2002-50; HGB 85610, Schick 1702-13.
外文名(FLN) Sasquatch
编号(SN) Schick 1702-13
培育者(Breeder) B.Schick
系列(Series) 席克氏
花径(Diam) 15 cm
花色(Color) 红
Flower to 5-½ inches (14 cm) across. Inner petals lanceolate, ruffled, bicolored dusky purple and dark orange, with apical rhomboidal beigish area and yellowish midrib. Outer petals and sepals largely beige. Filaments dark red-orange; anthers handsomely puffy. Stigma exerted, white. Stem barrel-like, to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter; spines to 1-1/8 inches (29 mm) long. ISI 2002-50; HGB 85610, Schick 1702-13.
花相册 (10)

